Ah, what to do while I was waiting for Hogwarts to arrive…..For almost two years I attempted to wait patiently for Hogwarts (a castle designed by Rik Pierce and me and built solely through the ingenuity and talent of Rik!) to arrive.
Well, first I found that it is impossible for me not to be building something! So I took a Creative PaperClay class with Rik and then went on to built Ollivander’s Wand shop and Honeyduke’s Candy Shop. Although both of these are discussed in detail in the Harry Potter series, I created my own interpretation of them.
The Wandshop has over one hundred wand boxes and wands spread throughout the small store. Cobwebs, dust and general clutter add to the effect of the small space. If nothing else, this shop was enormously fun to build!!! And excellent practice with Creative Paperclay©.
Now, if you are in need of wands, I recommend that you contact Ericka Van Horn. She helped with the wands, and many specialty items. She has a real talent for the unusual! And I would be remiss if I didn’t suggest that you contact Julie Foucault of Bella Minis for help with boxes. Julie worked hard making many boxes for me to age and label. Boxes are different shapes and sizes.